Turn Your LinkedIn Profile into Your Online Resume!
By Abraham Mmbaga
September 8, 2023

Before going anywhere, let’s start with myself. I joined LinkedIn in June 2020. I had no idea what it was about and how it worked.

I saw corporate guys with big titles. Folks update their profiles daily. While others share their posts, “I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new role at XYZ as XXX”.

 For the first time, I thought the platform was not for me. I was desperate, with no job and hope. I spend couple of hours scrolling mindlessly. 

I did several unsuccessful cold outreaches, just people ghosting me. 

Days, weeks, months, and years went by without taking any action. 

Last year, in March 2022, I started updating and optimizing my LinkedIn profile. So far, I have 11,800 followers, appeared to over 300 hundred searches in a week, and received 500 hundred to 700 hundred profile views in the past 90 days. 

I have started getting DMs from people asking for my service as a Resume Writer and Recruiter. I have already served over 95 individuals, creating resumes, optimizing their profiles, and coaching them for interviews. I have also helped some businesses to find perfect matches for their teams.

Think of the time you spent and the burnout you got after:

Applying 9 – 5 jobs a day with no success.

Attending interviews and getting this polite-disappointing kind of email: “Thank you for your interest…unfortunately…we are unable to proceed with your candidacy any further…”

Carrying khaki envelopes and cold office visitations. Still rejected!

Sending cold DMs, and no one replies to you.

Want to forget the word “revamp”? Resume your LinkedIn journey. Turn your PDF saved resume into an online resume. It is visible to anyone and from anywhere.


Is your profile full-baked or half-baked? If it is half-baked, return it to the oven so it gets fully baked.

Here is the checklist you should work on:

Professional photo: LinkedIn prioritizes profiles that have a photograph in search results. Additionally, a professional image on your LinkedIn profile will likely increase the number of people clicking on your profile and improve first impressions.

Image: Quantity Improvement Solutions

Include the right keywords that best describe your abilities. 

Optimized headline: Your LinkedIn headline is the most seen component of your LinkedIn profile. It appears everywhere your name does and gives recruiters or prospects a quick overview of who you are and why they should click your profile.

Customize your profile URL:  Create a custom URL that will be more memorable and easier to share (i.e., on business cards, emails, job applications). Differentiate yourself from the crowd.

Image: Skylead

Create a good profile summary: Your summary gives you the chance to make a great first impression on recruiters, potential clients, and other professionals who rely on LinkedIn, and is where you explain why you’re the right fit. It should communicate your abilities clearly.

Write your experience section showing your most outstanding achievements: Your prospects want to ensure you have the right experience to back up everything. Recruiters and your prospects will pay close attention to the job titles you’ve held and your achievements.

Optimize your skills section: Include at least 3 skills in your LinkedIn profile. Note that recruiters filter for candidates by specific skills, so you want to make sure you’ve added in all specific technical skills you have. 

Having an optimized profile is a step to building your online presence, but you need to another job of start being active. With posting, sharing views in comments and other forms of engagements will boost your discovery on LinkedIn.

Follow bettercareer.co.tz for more tips!


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