Have you been sending a lot of job applications without any success? One area you might have been falling short in is precision of your application. Failure to construct a good email and rush your application can hinder you in the long run.
The following are the top email application mistakes that stop you from getting hired:
Wrong Organization Name: Research the organization name and how it’s written. Know what’s capitalized and what’s not. There are brands that could have names that are very close, always double check to be sure which exact one you are applying to. Don’t assume anything!
Not following instructions: Read and understand the job post well. Read well about the deadline, subject, mode of application, criteria, responsibilities and type of the job.
Using casual and unprofessional email: Don’t use unofficial email addresses like “kingofduke19@gmail.com” or “kingmaster22@gmail.com”. Use a professional email that has elements of your official name. For example “johndoe@gmail.com”.
Using another person email address: Don’t submit your application from a friend’s email. It can be hard to do a follow-up on your application. Use your email registered under your official name. Your name in the resume and email account should be consistent. For example, it should not be something like JOHN JOHN (in the email) and MICHAEL LETTA (in the application).
No subject email: Sending an email without a subject is a sign of lack of clarity. Recruiters won’t be able to guess which role you are applying for. Write your subject as “FINANCE ASSOCIATE”, “SALES PERSON” and “ACCOUNTS MANAGER”. Writing your full name in the subject can make it easier for the employer to find you.
Lack of introduction and body of content: A well-constructed email body is a great sign of interest and energy. Proper salutation (Dear whomever it may concern etc.), introduction, and email body will attract the recruiter’s attention to open and read your attachments. Make it short and clear.
Improper naming of attachments: You can find a resume with the names “Final CV”, “My Last Resume 2023”, “Resume”, DOCX(1)(1) and “2024”. Save your resume in your first and last name. Your attachment should be named properly, ideally type of attachment and your name. For example RESUME – ABRAHAM JOHN.
Forgetting attachments: Sending an application email without attachments is another flaw that candidates make. Recruiters use the resume to learn more about your expertise. They may not follow up with you requesting you to send resumes. Double-check your email construct before pressing the “SEND” button. Make sure you include all the requested attachments like cover letters, certificates and resumes.
Improper attachment format: Attachment documents as “PDF”s unless you were asked to send a document in Word document format. Do not send your resume as images. Avoid sending screenshots, it is unprofessional.
Using Links to External Drives: It is fine to save your documents in cloud for your backup and easy access. However, when applying for jobs, unless guided by the advert, giving an external link to the hiring manager will appear as extra work. This could be really inconvenient, provide documents as an attachment as standard.
Sending unwanted attachments: Read through the job post carefully before sending the application. Learn what was requested from you. Include only what you were asked for. Avoid including your certificates or cover letters if you were not asked to include them. This will serve your time as well as you will not bring confusion on the recruiter’s side.
Avoid committing these mistakes, and the quality of your applications will increase. Make your dream job come about sooner!